Barent Thalheimer

Barent Thalheimer (Tollhamer) (circa 1720-?) was born in Dutchess County, NY as a first generation in the Colonies.

His father was Henrig Bernt Thalheimer, a Palantine who immigrated to America in 1709. His mother remains unknown.

Barent Thalheimer married Christina Buck on June 29, 1742. They lived Beekman, NY  through 1760 and then moved to Half Moon, Saratoga County, NY.

Christina Buck was baptized on February 19, 1716 at The Old Dutch Church of Kingston, 200px-Old_Dutch_Church_kingston1721Ulster County, NY. Her sponsors were Johannes Top and Christina Uhle.

Her parents were Martin Buck and Maria Gertrude Schmidt. They were Palatine immigrants and early settlers of Beekman Patent.

Probable ch: (Talheimer, qv)
— i. Elizabeth, bp. 5 Feb. 1745.
— ii. Gertrude; m. Aaron Bratt.
— iii. Hannah; m. Joseph Klein.
— iv. Peter.
— v. Polly.
— vi. David.
— vii. ?Barent.

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